A thank-you
It's time for an entry that has no images, but is nevertheless very important. In the short time since this blog has been online I've had support from many people, and I'd like to acknowledge their vital input.
Firstly, I want to thank Thomas Lierse from Staylace. He was kind enough to offer words of encouragement from the very first, and has been incredibly supportive by posting links back to this site when I've sent him new finds. The LISA (Long Island Staylace Association) site that Mr Lierse runs is the best resource on the Net for corset-related news and images (regular readers will know that corsets drive me wild!) and you should bookmark it and return often. The daily updates and obvious hard work that goes into the Staylace site were - and continue to be - an inspiration.
It would also be remiss not to thank 3xl of lust, love & latex for the kind write-up on one of the most professional (and kinky) rubber sites I've seen. If you're visiting, you should be aware that's it's most definitely not for the vanilla crowd, or the under 18s, but if you have a penchant for rubber and a thirst for the latest news, you need to give this site a visit.
Finally a special thank-you to those who have made the effort to write, either by sending an email or by commenting on individual posts. Thanks to funkyphil, Peter, Trent, john, and the others for keeping my spirits up.
I hope you'll all keep contributing and help make this site even better in the future. And for those of you who have been silent up to now, make your voice heard, even if it's just to say hello!
Now on with the show :)
Firstly, I want to thank Thomas Lierse from Staylace. He was kind enough to offer words of encouragement from the very first, and has been incredibly supportive by posting links back to this site when I've sent him new finds. The LISA (Long Island Staylace Association) site that Mr Lierse runs is the best resource on the Net for corset-related news and images (regular readers will know that corsets drive me wild!) and you should bookmark it and return often. The daily updates and obvious hard work that goes into the Staylace site were - and continue to be - an inspiration.
It would also be remiss not to thank 3xl of lust, love & latex for the kind write-up on one of the most professional (and kinky) rubber sites I've seen. If you're visiting, you should be aware that's it's most definitely not for the vanilla crowd, or the under 18s, but if you have a penchant for rubber and a thirst for the latest news, you need to give this site a visit.
Finally a special thank-you to those who have made the effort to write, either by sending an email or by commenting on individual posts. Thanks to funkyphil, Peter, Trent, john, and the others for keeping my spirits up.
I hope you'll all keep contributing and help make this site even better in the future. And for those of you who have been silent up to now, make your voice heard, even if it's just to say hello!
Now on with the show :)
Glad i could help! Hope you keep this page running for along time. Needless to say any "kink" pic`s that might be of interest in the future i`ll be sure to send them.
funkyphil, at 5:15 pm
No...Thank you!
Trent Wolf
Anonymous, at 5:45 pm
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